Registration Form


Registration is based on each individual attending. Registration includes all meal functions, business sessions, nightly receptions and entertainment, bingo, and exhibit hall entrance.

Early Bird rates end on May 15, 2025.

Registration TypeEarly Bird RateRate After May 15, 2025
Member Registration
Spouses of members also receive this rate
Non-Member Registration$499$699

Annual Show Registration

  • Registration Options

  • Convention Extras

  • Price: $100.00
    Includes two entries into Heads or Tails Game; and two raffle tickets. All proceeds will go to our AGEF Scholarship Fund.
  • Price: $50.00
    We will draw $5,000 worth of earnings at the Fund the Future Event on Monday, July 29th. All proceeds will go to our AGEF Scholarship Fund.
  • $0.00
  • By submitting this form, I am acknowledging for myself or anyone attending on my behalf, any and all risk of injuries or damages associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and voluntarily agree to waive any and all liability for the Alabama Grocers Association, its Board of Directors, members, vendors and employees of the Association. It is my understanding that by attending the Alabama Grocers Association Annual Convention either as a registrant, sponsor, advertiser, exhibitor or in any other manner, that I will not hold an outside event that will coincide with any scheduled event held by the Alabama Grocers Association during the dates of the convention unless I receive expressed permission in writing by the Association. By attending the Alabama Grocers Association Annual Convention, I give AGA my full permission to use images or videos taken of me in all publications, promotional materials, online, press releases, etc.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Cancellation Policy: Requests for refunds must be postmarked or emailed to 30 days prior to event. A 5% processing fee will
be charged. All cancellations received less than 30 days before the event, will forfeit their refund.