2025 Alabama Grocers Education Foundation Clay Shoot
October 9, 2025
Selwood Farm • 706 Selwood Road, Alpine, AL 35014
The Alabama Grocers Education Foundation Clay Shoot will take place at Selwood Farm on Thursday, October 9, 2025. We will unite to raise money for deserving college students, connect and deepen our network within the grocery industry, and have fun! All proceeds from this event will go to AGEF’s scholarship fund.
8:00 a.m. – Registration and Breakfast
8:45 a.m. – Safety Check
9:00 a.m. – Clay Shoot Begins
Reception, Lunch, and Awards Ceremony will follow.
All sponsor receive signage at sponsored station or event (beverage cart, breakfast, reception, lunch), recognition on welcome sheet, and will be announced during the Award Ceremony.
Presenting Sponsorship – $4,000 (Includes eight shooters, special recognition, logo on Association giveaway item. Tax deductible $2,600.)
Station Sponsorship – $1,600 (Includes four shooters. Tax deductible $900.)
Half Station Sponsorship – $800 (Includes two shooters. Tax deductible $450.)
Beverage Cart Sponsor – $1,500 (You will receive a sign to be displayed on the beverage cart, and you can distribute your company’s products (non-alcoholic products only) to attendees. Does not include any shooters. Tax Deductible $1,500.)
Sampling Station Sponsorship – $1,000 (Includes sampling of company’s items at station (non-alcoholic products only). Does not include any shooters. Tax deductible $1,000.)
Breakfast Sponsorship – $1,000 (Opportunity to showcase company’s product at breakfast. Tax deductible $1,000.)
Reception Sponsorship – $1,000 (Opportunity to showcase company’s product at the reception. Tax deductible $1,000.)
Lunch Sponsorship – $1,500 (Opportunity to showcase company’s product at lunch. Tax deductible $1,500.)
Beverage Cart, Breakfast, Lunch, Reception, and Sampling Station Sponsorships do not include any shooters. These sponsorships can be combined with Station or Half Station Sponsorships.
Shooter entry fee covers: 100 targets, ammunition, team golf cart, facility fee, earplugs, safety glasses, breakfast, reception, and lunch. Guns can be provided at an additional charge of $20 per person.
Registration will open closer to the date. Please check back or email [email protected] with any questions.