The Alabama Grocers Education Foundation held its Annual Spring Golf Outing on Thursday, April 7, 2022, at Inverness Country Club in Birmingham, Alabama. This tournament raised funds for the Alabama Grocers Education Foundation, to provide scholarships to employees and children of employees of Alabama Grocers Association companies. To date AGEF has awarded over 1.3 million dollars because of the tremendous support of our members at golf tournaments such as this one. The winners of the golf tournament were as follows:
The winners of the golf tournament were as follows: First Place Team: Greg Rains, Rod Tulloss and Simon Lauderdale of Alabama Crown Distributing.

Second Place Team: Eddie Parnell and Greg Clements with Reynolds American and Joe Naro with The Hershey Company.

Third Place Team: Don Richardson with Coca-Cola Bottling Company UNITED; Jim Coalson with Tom Williams Piggly Wiggly; and Hal Keeton and Casey Keeton with Big Star

Closest to the Pin: Manny Shoemaker with Acosta. Longest Drive: Zach Chambliss with the Chambliss and Chastain Group.
The Alabama Grocers Education Foundation Golf Outings would not be as successful without the many companies that sponsored this event and contributed their goods. The Presenting Sponsor was UNFI. The Breakfast Sponsor for this event was BTC Wholesale Distributors and the lunch sponsor was Byars | Wright Insurance. Additional sponsors and contributors of the AGEF 2022 Spring Tournament included 5 Hour Energy; A&R Super Markets; Alabama Crown Distributing; Alabama Power Company; Amber Falls Winery & Cellars; Associated Grocers of the South; Autry Greer & Son’s; Bimbo Bakeries; Blue Bell Ice Cream; Buffalo Rock / Pepsi; Bunzl Distribution; Campbell Snacks; Chambliss & Chastain Group; Cobbs Allen; Coca-Cola Bottling Co. UNITED; D&T Sales and Marketing; Don Francisco’s Coffee; EdLinco; Federated Insurance; Gail’s Biscuits; JM Smucker’s; Kelley Foods a Ben E. Keith Co.; Keurig Dr. Pepper; Milo’s Tea; Mitchell Grocery Corp.; MolsonCoors; Mrs. Stratton’s Salads; New Orleans Roast Coffee; Country Bob’s / Acosta; Perfect Hydration; PictSweet Farms; Piggly Wiggly #130 & #134; Piggly Wiggly Alabama Distributing Company; Post Consumer Brands; Priester’s Pecans; Publix Super Markets, Inc.; Red Diamond Coffee & Tea; Reynolds American; Sister Schubert Rolls; Stratus Group; The Hershey Company; Truno, Retail Technology; UNFI; United Johnson Brothers; and UTZ Snacks/Golden Flake
Please go ahead and mark your calendars for our 2022 upcoming events: AGA Annual Convention, July 24 – 27 at Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort in Destin, Florida; AGEF Fall Clay Shoot, October 13, 2022 at Selwood Farms in Alpine, Alabama; and the Alabama’s Food Industry Finest Luncheon, October 27, 2022 at The Club in Birmingham, Alabama.