BIRMINGHAM, AL – October 15, 2021—The Alabama Grocers Education Foundation held their Annual Fall Clay Shoot on Thursday, October 14, 2021 at Selwood Farms in Alpine, Alabama. The event raised funds for the Alabama Grocers Education Foundation to provide scholarships to employees and children of employees of Alabama Grocers Association companies. To date, AGEF has awarded over 1.3 million dollars because of the tremendous support of our members at golf tournaments such as this one.
The winners of the clay shoot were as follows: First Place Team: EdLinco/Rudolph Foods Team.

Second Place Team: Bunzl Distribution Team.

Third Place Team: Post Consumer Foods Team.

The Alabama Grocers Education Foundation Clay Shoot would not be as successful without the many companies that sponsored this event and contributed their goods. The Presenting Sponsor for this event was Coca-Cola Bottling Company UNITED, Inc. Additional sponsors of the AGEF 2021 Clay Shoot included Alabama Power Company; Associated Grocers of the South; Associated Wholesale Grocers; Buffalo Rock / Pepsi; Bunzl Distribution; Byars | Wright Insurance; Cobbs Allen; EdLinco/Rudolph Foods; Federated Insurance; Keurig Dr. Pepper; Merrill Lynch; Mitchell Grocery Corporation; Piggly Wiggly Alabama Dist.; Post Consumer Brands; Red Diamond Coffee & Tea; Retail Data Solutions Mid-South; Sell Ethics; Smucker’s; Sunset Farm Foods and United Johnson Brothers (3 Teams).
We appreciate the companies that donated their products for the goody bags and beverage cart. Companies included: Bevco Beverages; Bud’s Best Cookies; Buffalo Rock Company; Campbell Snacks; Chattanooga Bakery/Acosta Sales; Coca-Cola Bottling Company UNITED, Inc.; Figi Water; Frito-Lay; Flowers Baking Company; Golden Eagle Syrup; Golden Flake/UTZ Snacks; Merrill Lynch; Milo’s Tea; Perfect Hydration; Post Consumer Foods; Southern Recipe/EdLinco; Stratus Group and United Johnson Brothers.
A special thanks to AGA Vice Chairman Bob Crawford of United Johnson Brothers and AGEF Trustee Member Bubba Lindley of EdLinco for running a new shooter seminar and the AGEF Trustee Member Mr. Mike Hanson of Milo’s Tea for helping with the beverages and running the beverage cart.

Ellie Taylor, President and Katie Hunt, Membership Communications of AGA
Please mark your calendars to join us next year at Selwood Farms on October 13, 2022.